Privacy Policy

Queen City Web Solutions, including its wholly-owned subsidiaries (collectively, “Queen City Web Solutions”), brings a diverse set of capabilities to our U.S. customers in web design and cybersecurity consultation. Included in our core values are Respect and Accountability. We apply these values to the protection of personal information obtained from individuals through our websites and in the course of doing business. The purpose of this Privacy Notice (the “Notice”) is to provide information about how Queen City Web Solutions collects and uses your personal information, with whom Queen City Web Solutions shares the information, and your rights and choices with respect to the use of the information. The Notice also describes some of the security measures Queen City Web Solutions takes to protect your information and how you may contact Queen City Web Solutions about its privacy policies.

Internet-Based Advertising

On our websites, we may collect information about your online activities, such as the pages you access, through automated means such as cookies, web server logs, and web beacons. We use this data to tailor advertising about our products and services to your individual interests. We use third-party services to provide analytics regarding this data.

You may refuse to accept cookies by clicking on “DECLINE” on our cookie banner. Doing so may affect your ability to use and interact with Queen City Web Solutions’ websites.

You may see certain ads on other websites because we participate in advertising networks. Ad networks allow us to target our messaging to users through demographic, interest-based, and contextual means. These networks track your online activities over time by collecting information through automated means, including through the use of cookies, web server logs, and web beacons. The networks use this information to show you advertisements that may be tailored to your individual interests. The information our ad networks may collect includes data about your visits to websites that participate in the relevant advertising networks, such as the pages or advertisements you view and the actions you take on the websites. This data collection takes place both on our Sites and on third-party websites that participate in the ad networks. This process also helps us track the effectiveness of our marketing efforts.

How Queen City Web Solutions Uses the Personal Information We Collect

Queen City Web Solutions may use the personal information we collect about you or that you provide to us for the following purposes:

Queen City Web Solutions’ Careers website is managed by a third-party vendor, and data collected through that website is stored for internal use by Queen City Web Solutions. If you apply for employment with Queen City Web Solutions (whether directly or through a recruitment agency, job board, or otherwise), our third-party vendor will collect certain personal information about you and share it with Queen City Web Solutions. We will not use this information for any purpose other than to evaluate your employment application and for human resources processing. Unless you request otherwise, our third-party vendor may keep your personal information for future use, including consideration for future employment opportunities with Queen City Web Solutions. It is important to note that the privacy policies of the third-party vendor operating Queen City Web Solutions’ Careers website may differ from ours. We strongly encourage you to review the third-party vendor’s privacy policies and terms of use posted on its website before submitting any personal information in connection with your employment application.

Except in rare circumstances where Queen City Web Solutions is required by law to disclose or otherwise process your personal information, we will only process your personal information as necessary for the purposes explained to you when the information is collected or as otherwise described in this notice.

How We Share the Personal Information Queen City Web Solutions Collects

Queen City Web Solutions does not sell, lease, rent, or license the personal information it collects to third parties. We may disclose personal information to third parties in the following circumstances:

Queen City Web Solutions routinely requires the third-party business partners to which it provides personal information to protect and maintain that information in confidence, and not to license, sell, or otherwise transfer such information except as directed by Queen City Web Solutions.

Managing Information: Your Rights and Choices

On Queen City Web Solutions’ website, you can sign up to receive certain types of information about us by email. For instance, you may subscribe to receive information about open positions on our Careers website. By signing up, you are joining an “opt-in” list to receive these communications. If you no longer wish to receive these communications, we provide a link for you to unsubscribe in our communications.

If you request (via email, other written correspondence, or calling the toll-free number below), Queen City Web Solutions will disclose to you your personal information collected by us. If you desire to update, modify, or delete any personal information you have provided via the website, we will take commercially reasonable efforts to fulfill your requests. Please note, however, that Queen City Web Solutions may be required to retain your personal information for purposes of resolving or responding to disputes or litigation, or to provide information to satisfy applicable laws, regulations, investigations, or proceedings. Additionally, your personal information may be retained in residual back-up files that are a function of our network’s back-up systems. See “Contacting Queen City Web Solutions” below for more information.

Transfers of Information

Queen City Web Solutions is headquartered in the United States in Charlotte, North Carolina, and its business information systems are primarily located in the United States. If you are not located in the United States, we want to advise you that any personal information you provide through Queen City Web Solutions’ website and third-party online services will be transferred out of your country and to the United States. By providing personal information through Queen City Web Solutions’ website and third-party online services, you expressly consent to the transfer of this information to the United States and other countries in which we may operate in support of our customers. If you do not want your personal information transferred to the United States, please do not use Queen City Web Solutions’ website and third-party online services or provide personal information through them.

Children Under the Age of 13

Queen City Web Solutions’ websites and online services are not directed to or intended for children under the age of 13. Queen City Web Solutions does not knowingly solicit, store, or use personal information of children under the age of 13, except as permitted by law. Children under the age of 13 should not register for services or provide any personal information, including name, address, telephone number, or email address to Queen City Web Solutions through its websites or online services. If Queen City Web Solutions becomes aware it has inadvertently collected personal information of children under the age of 13, we promptly will delete such information.

Securing Information

Queen City Web Solutions implements commercially reasonable and appropriate technical, physical, and administrative measures to prevent the loss, misuse, disclosure, alteration, destruction, and unauthorized access to the personal information you provide. However, no Internet-based information system is completely secure, and Queen City Web Solutions cannot eliminate all security risks associated with the electronic transfer and storage of information, including your personal information.

Third-Party Websites

Queen City Web Solutions’ website contains links to websites operated by third parties to provide users with additional information. These links include links to social media services (such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube). Queen City Web Solutions does not control these third-party sites and services and is not responsible for the content of these websites or the products, services, or actions of the third parties operating them. The privacy policies of these third-party websites and services govern your use of and sharing of data with them, and Queen City Web Solutions does not control and is not responsible for these privacy policies. If you link to or from our website using other websites, you should review carefully the privacy policy on those third-party sites to determine what rules may apply to the use and disclosure of your personal information by the operators of those sites.

Changes to Queen City Web Solutions’ Privacy Notice

Queen City Web Solutions reserves the right to amend this Privacy Notice at any time, for any reason, without notice, other than posting the amended Privacy Notice on this Website. Queen City Web Solutions suggests you check this page regularly to see our most up-to-date Privacy Notice. Changes are effective on the date Queen City Web Solutions posts the revised Privacy Notice to its website and supersede all previous versions of the Privacy Notice.

Contacting Queen City Web Solutions

If you have questions about Queen City Web Solutions’ Privacy Notice or wish to update, modify, or delete any personal information provided to Queen City Web Solutions, please contact us via the Privacy Contact Form or through the toll-free number 1-866-I-OPT-OUT (1-866-467-8688) and choose the Queen City Web Solutions code 729. You may be asked to provide specific pieces of personal information in order to verify your identity and process your request.